Birthdays. They surround our relationship. I met my husband when I was 20 and fresh back from Spain-wearing these hip red "trainers" and totally 20 pounds skinnier than I am now. He was dating my friend Leah.
Ah, the good old days.
My husband came to my 21st birthday. Of course I didn't know he was my husband at the time. Although it seems like such a short time ago-in that moment-a life of domesticity seemed way off-it went by in a flash!
We started dating, and by that I mean "dating" right after his 26th birthday. I was still 21. Oh, but so stupid. I am still stupid. But maybe the kind of stupid I was then was helpful to our relationship. Because I kept seeing him.
Even at 21 I felt like-this weird awkwardness-that I still feel with him-but also THIS I want to take you home and keep you forever.
Other people have told me this about him-Oh, he's so comfortable-he's so easy to talk to- and I see how you could feel that-I did.
But it was more-Hello you-here we are-and WHOA-we bought a house together and got married.
I loved my husband before he was my husband. And I loved him more after.
carrying on-he is 31 today. 5 years after we met.
Why do I worship my relationship so?
Because. Life is messy. Professional relationships are built on a certain amount of misrepresentation. Family relationships are operating out of years of dysfunction. Friendships-although invaluable-end at the door and good-bye. Friendships are extremely necessary-and often help you live longer-but that person at the end of the line-when it's all good.
They are who you COME home to. Because they are home.
That's why I totally glorify relationships that last a lifetime and the partners die within hours/months/weeks of each other.
You operate as a unit-but this cool family/sleeping with each other-unit. I don't know.
I'm just spewing smashed words.
I so believe in monogamy and marriage. Everyone should be allowed to get married and everyone should.
Because when this whole fucking world is against you-having someone stand up and hang their hat with yours-in front of whatever community is important to you-it's pretty strong.
It at least gives you someone to hold onto while you're waiting to die.
Sometimes morbid thoughts make you very sentimental for great romance.