I'm growing up just in time for my brain to start slowing down.
I was helped along immensely by the chicken nuggets with truffles at the Bulldog N.E., 3 pints of beer, and beautiful weather.
I stopped by an old friend's house on Friday and looking through an old photo album realized that things weren't how I remembered them. Or, at least weren't how he remembered them. It made me feel strangely nostalgic and somewhat gratified. Ended up having to take a taxi back home from Northeast though. That made me feel like a cheap hooker.
My girlfriends and I went to breakfast on Saturday. I love breakfast. One of us has gotten a huge pay raise (not me!) Huge. Like more than our parents make big. The other is as fabulous and lovely as usual.
I feel like I reconnected with a lot of things this weekend. My past, myself, my dog, my husband. Although, we did bicker today-even while we walked the dog-and now that he's as practice and I've had three hours off from him I'm starting to miss him.
I made some more snotty remarks to my step-mother in law on Facebook because she is against medical marijuana-like testifying at the capital against it. I just don't understand a. why anyone rational person would take that stance and b. why it bothers me so much. Anyway, I had unfriended her on Facebook just to avoid this type of issue and now, not only did she friend me again (I had to accept it-what else can I do?) now her sister is trying to friend me as well. GAWD when will my big mouth stop getting me in trouble. Now I'm causing drama trauma with a fucking bunch of 50 year olds over legalizing medical cannabis. My husband thinks I'm alienating our future children's grandparents and that I just like the sound of my own voice. Shrug. He's probably right on both counts. I guess we just get along anyway. Reading that paragraph over again makes me realize how desperately pathetic I am sometimes.
I'm seeing a psychic/medium tomorrow. CRAZY! For an hour. I have to make a list tonight, after I take a bath, about all of the things I want to ask about. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I'll update about it here if it's not too boring. Oh, even if it is I'll update.
Now, I must go shut the window, shave my legs, figure out dinner, write my psychic list, and begin obsessively calling my husband to see when he's getting done with practice.
I love spring.
how did it go?!?!?!??!?!!!!